Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Photo Essay Response

Hungry Planet:

1. The story behind this photo journal is that around the world, different cultures and economic situations determine the amount of food a family can intake. Also, families ingest very different nutritional value.

2. Families with more money are able to buy more food. Although, the families seeming to live in better conditions do not necessarily purchase higher quality food. Higher quality in this sense means organic and unprocessed.

3. The author told this story to make people aware of other families situations. The author was also able to show how people like ourselves live our lives in comparison to other people around the world.

4. Most of the images were very disappointing because I was able to physically see the large amount of processed food that is ingested every week.

5. The images most definitely enhance the story because the pictures give a visual representation that makes the story real and easy to understand.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Photo Scavenger Hunt

An ant looking at food.

A bird looking at the ground.

A three year old looking up



Someone who stands out in a crowd.

 9 AM


4 PM

 A building

 Part of a building


Monday, September 14, 2015

Texture and Space

texture #1

texture #2

texture #3

space #1

space #2

space #3

My favorite texture image is my shot of the water stream because it is very realistic and captures the real look of water.
The shot of the tree branches is my favorite image because there is a a lot of perception in that shot.

Thursday, September 10, 2015








black & white

My favorite color image is the photo of grass (green). I like this photo because I think it captures detail and depth.I believe my value shot displays a nice greyscale range because there are some places of darkness, like her toe nails. There is always shine on her toenails which displays a lighter tone.

Thursday, September 3, 2015


photo #1

photo #2

photo #3

photo #4

photo #5

My photos are colorful and bright.
My favorite shot is my photo of the mosaic of the Golden Gate Bridge.
I wish I could edit photos as I take them or adjust all the lighting as I take the photos with my phone.
My favorite found shot is the photo of the EDM festival because the colors and lighting make me want to be there myself . The colors are intriguing while not being too overwhelming.